Applied in wastewater treatment plants Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), Ozone destroys all kinds of pathogens, chlorine resistant, ensuring the decontamination of waters, increasing the performance of the plant and helping to keep the facilities.
The mining results in a tremendous impact environmental pollutants and highly toxic discharges, both at the level of maximum power as water, polluting easily rivers and groundwater, water cycle, they eventually end up being consumed by plants, animals and human beings.
Added Ozone to the spray system of the greenhouses or the áperos agricultural spray removes efficiently all types of pathogen without the need to spend large sums of money on chemical products, thus, moreover, to a culture completely eco-friendly.
Removes mould and contaminants of all kinds, even those coming from the subsoil. Double the conservation of perishable stored. The ozonizar the inside of the barrels of oak, we also extend the life of them, completely eliminating the TCA. Also oxidise the organic matter that cover the pore of the wood, getting a pore of the wood, totally open to that as well being transferred all the properties of the wood to the wine.
Reduces or eliminates the color, taste and smell unpleasant. Removes organic matter, by destroying bacteria and inactivation of viruses more effectively and faster than any other chemical disinfectant. Can oxidize heavy metals such as iron and manganese.
Ozone is the best sanitizing agent and more secure, ideal for this type of applications. Completely eliminates odors and all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms.
Prolongs the life of the perishable and their organoleptic properties.
Ozone is an indispensable tool to improve the performance of the hotel so natural and ecological, to use it for treatment of deodorization and disinfection of air and water. In cold chambers increase the shelf-life of perishable items. Desodorizamos rooms and facilities directly with portable generators or through the ducts of air conditioning. We reduce costs in energy, water and detergents by applying it in the laundry room, removed in addition to the chlorine in pools and spas. Sanitize water consumption of tanks and reservoirs. Debug wastewater for reuse in green areas...
With the Ozone-we make sure that the passage does not spread to drivers of any disease, at the same time, thanks to the Ozone, we offer the traveler a guarantee of disinfection of the passenger compartment. In the hours after the rain to generate unpleasant odours moisture disappear when using Ozone. When you breathe an oxygen more pure, drivers reduce sleepiness, improving concentration behind the wheel. Ozone is widely used by car dealers to clean vehicles-smoking rooms, vehicles that have been transported pets or chemicals, improving without doubt the willingness of customers to purchase these vehicles.
Surfaces, fully carpeted, along with large tracts of armchairs upholstered are places of great microbial contamination.
The Ozone keeps at bay and eradicates all of that source of infection. The ozonation in ducts of air-conditioning is the best guarantee of hygiene is this type of applications.
Ozone eliminates any odor in rooms, locker rooms and showers, disinfecting mats, dumbbells, ropes, etc
By eliminating all pathogens of the air and surfaces, ensures the removal of any source of infection, oxygenating the air and improving yields.