The power of ozone

The destructive power of ozone

The Ozone molecule (O3), composed of three Oxygen atoms (O1), has a negative charge, and we know that the negative charge to eliminate free radicals that cause cancer.

The negative charges, as with any magnet, are drawn quickly by the positive charges and this is where lies the miracle.

The pathogenic micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi, prions, spore, odor molecules...) have a positive charge, and when you collide with them, thanks to the high oxidant Ozone, are destroyed almost immediately, destroying himself at the same time also the Ozone, which will lose one Oxygen atom (O1), leaving as a residual of the Oxygen molecule (O2).

As it happens in the game 'as coconuts', the Ozone molecules will act quickly "eating", or removing any pathogen in air or water. When you have finished with everything, it is then when he begins to appreciate the excess of Ozone by its characteristic odor. Therefore, we can adjust the Ozone generator to the limit right in the elimination of any production of pollutants without producing any kind of odor.

Since the beginning of the TWENTIETH century it was used for water treatment and subsequently to purify the air. Even used directly on the human body for therapeutic purposes (Ozone therapy). Ozone, applied to the environment, performs three fundamental actions:

Action deodorizer Ozone

It is a property easily verifiable and is very useful in the elimination of unpleasant odors.

Ozone has the property of destroying, not only smells, but directly the cause that produces them without adding any chemical component and without a mask, creating an environment more fresh and pleasant, as occurs after rain.

In addition to the organic matter in suspension, especially in enclosed places, the cause of the odors are the different micro-organisms produced by the sweat, the humidity, tobacco, food, etc., as Well, on the one hand, it destroys the organic matter by ozone lysis and on the other, attacking the microbes that feed off of it.

Action microbicidal Ozone

The action microbicidal or germicide is the most important property of the Ozone and the more applications are attributed to him.

Ozone can be considered as the agent microbicide most fast and efficient it is known, eliminating even the micro-organisms that are not susceptible to disinfection with chlorine. Therefore, it acts on a broad spectrum germicide that encompasses the elimination of:

  • Bacteria (Bactericidal effect)
  • Virus (effect Viricida)
  • Fungi (effect Fungicide)
  • Spores (effect Sporicidal)
  • Protozoa (effect Protozoan)
Action degreaser Ozone

Ozone (O3), to be a highly unstable oxygen (O2), it tends to quickly lose the atom extra, something that causes you to shattering, dirt particles, exerting an effect bleaching in the tissues and helping, in part, to reduce the need to use chemicals and hot water (from 40 ° C Ozone decomposes more quickly). To be able to use cold water to clean, it is understood that dramatically decreases the energy consumption and reduce the use of chemicals, protection of the immediate health and the environment.

Our machines are designed and manufactured using industrial components to extend its useful life.

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