Generator GO TO 8000 BC

SKU: GO-8000-AC


Generador GO-8000-AC

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Ozonizers semi-industrial O3 Led

Ozone generators for applications where it is required to carry the Ozone to the place of performance through a duct and driven by air pressure from a compressor. You can choose the generator with internal compressor or without it for use with a compressor on the outside which will give more pressure. It can also be used by Venturi.

The models GO up to 16000 mg/O3/h, mounted reactors Ozone industry. They are assembled in a stainless steel case, unless the model 16000, which is now in box-monoblock polyester. Its regulation is carried out by using a timer cyclic digital.

The generators of Top Ozone do not produce aluminum, very toxic heavy metal, as they do not employ reactors ceramic but made of stainless steel.

Mounted compressor of 40 L/ minute and cartridge blotting, although according to the demand of the installation we can install air handling systems varied.



-Water: water treatments, swimming pools, water treatment for the washing of fruits and vegetables, tanks, reservoirs, wells, etc
-Air: refrigerated rooms, ducts, sprinkler environmental, ventilation ducts, cutting rooms and food packaging, odor control in silos and pits, etc

Water treatment

They are designed to disinfect and sterilize large quantities of water, both deposits, such as wells or cisterns.

Are computers with which you'll be able to get ozonated water instantly and extremely simple, inyectándola through a tube that delivers the gas to a diffuser. Introducing the Ozone into the water by compressed air, which provides a great diffusion of Ozone in the water to be treated.

For rafts of water outside we can calculate the need of O3 at a rate of 2 to 3 G/ m3, depending on whether there is much or little time to carry out the treatment of ozonation.

If you are using a Venturi through a circuit recirculation will get a better mixture of Ozone/water.

In case of the need for large amounts of Ozone, you can use the computer ready for connection to a compressed air system external, something that will greatly increase the volume of air injected into the water. Through previous study, we can adjust to any need.




Washing machines-industrial

Connected to washing machines, industrial prescindiremos of the need for hot water and reduce the use of detergents, bleaches and fabric softeners, reaching even to remove them if the fabrics are not very dirty. For a small washing machine we will use a generator to about 2,000 mg/h for a median of about 4,000 mg/h and for a large one of about 8,000 mg/h.



Water tanks

Install diffusers on the tank bottom and takes the ozone through conduit to these diffusers that are responsible for the diffusion of the air ozonated in the water, creating a column of bubbles, Other option is a recirculation system with Venturi for a correct mixture of Ozone/water. This system requires a recirculation pump, and provides greater diffusion of Ozone in the water.


Ozone generators offer the following benefits:

-Drastically reducing the levels of Iron in the water.
-Get in an instant water completely sterile, free of odors and devoid of bad taste.
-Kill bacteria and viruses.
-Substantial reduction of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand).
-Dramatically increase the amount of oxygen in the water.
-Washing machines-industrial
-Connected to washing machines, industrial prescindiremos of the need for hot water and reduce the use of detergents, bleaches and fabric softeners, even to -remove them if the fabrics are not very dirty. For a small washing machine we will use a generator to about 2,000 mg/h for a median of about 4,000 mg/h and for a large one of about 8,000 mg/h.


Air treatment

When installing an Ozone generator in a refrigeration chamber, the combination of the high voltage with the environmental humidity deteriorates rapidly components of the machine. In addition, when we feed the generator with moist air to the get to the deterioration of much more quickly, since electricity (when the air receives the electric shock in the reactor), more H₂O, more Nitrogen (the air is composed of 78% nitrogen) is generated by nitric acid, a compound very oxidizing and destructive of the reactor itself.

The generators of O3 led are installed outside of the cold room, away from the humidity of the interior of the camera. The tube that leads to the gas is what will be inside for the injection, after the drive, in such a way that they expand rapidly throughout the chamber.

The power generation will calculate based on 5 to 10 mg / m3. It is preferable to install a generator more powerful that can then be regulated to the low before that one that does not come to meet the expectations for which it is installed.

Ducts of air Conditioning / Ventilation

Install the generator as close as possible to the ventilation duct, injecting the air ozonated in the interior by means of a pipe union between the output connector of the generator and a hole to enter a small portion of the tube inside, always after the turbine driving. The generator should be operated only when the circuit work ventilation (can be fed in parallel with the fan motor via a relay/contactor to separate power supplies)


Cold rooms

Install the generator as close as possible to the camera (never inside) and injects Ozone through a hole in the panel of the camera (the highest possible) in order to make pass through 6/8 to your interior.

For cameras with large size you can install a distribution pipe in the inside and so ensure a better distribution of Ozone throughout its volume. In these cases it may be necessary to use a compressor with a higher power to achieve all the volume to be treated.

The generator there is that place you always higher than the input to the camera, so that any condensation in the inlet pipe does not back up into the generator, or in your case use a water trap for condensation.



Elimination of odors in air extraction systems

In extraction ducts of air is injected Ozone into the duct, trying to keep the maximum distance to the output so that the Ozone is able to perform its effect during all the time in the air
expelled flows through the tube output.

In these cases, the greater the length of the chimney, the greater will be the effect of oxidation of the substances generating bad odors.



Technical characteristics


ModelProduction O3CompressorConsumptionTreatment
GO-4000-AC-XL4000 mg/h40 l/min5000 l/h
GO-8000-AC8000 mg/h40 l/min130 W10000 l/h
GO-12000-AC12000 mg/h40 l/min16000 l/h
GO-16000-AC16000 mg/h40 l/min21000 l/h


Additional information

Weight63 kg
Dimensions90 × 70 × 50 cm

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